Placeholder for all pages related to Work Policies, Vacations, Surveys, etc.

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Leaves and Vacation Policy

Total Regular Paid Leaves in a year: 15 days, out of which Casual Paid Leaves1,2: 6 days

In addition to the 15 days of leave:


  1. Casual Leave: Leave taken without giving due notice of minimum 1 week from leave start date
  2. Casual Leave are a part (subset) of Regular Leave
  3. Blood Relation: Parents, siblings, spouse, spouse parents, spouse siblings, children, grandparents

For planned (non-casual) leaves, 2 weeks notice is advised and a minimum 1 week (7 full days from leave start date) notice is required. Else it will be treated as casual leave.

Supporting Documentation

Sickness/Medical issues: Medical prescription and supporting documents (Pathology reports, hospital discharge receipt, other verifiable supporting documents). Document must be submitted within 3 days of joining back at work.

Family Tragedy: Documents that clearly establish blood relation with the deceased, and Death certificate of deceased. Document must be submitted within 30 days of joining back at work.

Marriage: Only if asked

Unutilized Leave

Unutilized Regular leaves will carry forward for 2 subsequent years