Placeholder for all pages related to Work Policies, Vacations, Surveys, etc.

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Welcome to Akaruilabs Pages

On this page you will find links to pages and forms concerning Work Policies, Benefits, Surveys, Feedback/Complaints, etc.


Conduct and Work Rules Policy

Vacation and Leave Policy

List of Holidays


Leave / Vacation Form

Complaint and Feedback Contact Form

Office Equipment/Supplies Order Form

Miscellaneous Expenses Reimbursement Form

Work Email


For Quick Meeting

Screen video recording

Digital Whiteboard

Helpful Tools Suggestions

|Name |URL |Remarks| |——–|————|——-| |RescueTime|https://rescuetime.com |Productivity| |Evernote|https://evernote.com |Productivity| |Dynalist|https://dynalist.io |Outlining| |Grammarly|https://www.grammarly.com/ |Improve English| |VisualCV|https://www.visualcv.com |Resume Builder|

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Support or Contact

Having trouble with these pages, or want to provide feedback? Email at contact@akaruilabs.com